What Is a Parcel Audit & Should I Have One?

When was the last time a parcel audit was conducted for your business? If you can’t remember or if you don’t know what a parcel audit is, the experts at Trans Audit can help. We offer a vast range of innovative solutions designed to recover lost monies and create future savings. Let’s take a closer look at the parcel audit and how this strategic service can create cost savings. 

What Is a Parcel Audit?

Don’t pay your parcel carriers more than you have to! The premier way to ensure you haven’t overpaid and aren’t continuing to overpay for your shipment invoices is with a parcel audit. The parcel auditing process involves sorting through all of your shipment invoices and tracking to discover whether you were overcharged or if billing errors exist. 

This is a critical process because carriers do make mistakes. And if they are either delivering your shipment in the wrong time frame or making billing mistakes, you deserve to be compensated for the losses. 

A proper parcel audit will be conducted by robust software and will carefully review every charge, refund request, and credit issued by the carrier. All shipments should be reviewed for violations of service standards or errors, such as:

  • Incorrect rate. The carrier fails to apply the proper discount that is stipulated in the carrier agreement.
  • Late deliveries. A parcel was delivered past the guaranteed date and time.
  • Wrong dimensional weight charges. The carrier applied an incorrect DIM factor or used the wrong dimensions. 
  • Incorrect Saturday charge. The carrier failed to pick up the package on Saturday as agreed upon. 
  • Improperly correcting addresses. The carrier billed additional fees for correcting an address that wasn’t necessary or was correct initially. 
  • Duplicate charges. The parcel was billed more than once.

Why Is It Important to Audit Shipments?

When you audit your parcels, you could open the door to immense savings — immediate and over the long run. Most importantly, these are monies you didn’t know you were due. The majority of business owners are more concerned with shipping orders out in a timely manner and with shipping fees. However, most fail to make the verification of accurate shipping charges a priority. 

Parcel auditing is a highly-effective way to reduce shipping costs and ensure the quality of your business intelligence. When you have more accurate records, you’ll be empowered to make impactful cost-savings decisions that can act as a competitive advantage to your company. 

Best of all, parcel audits are easily implemented and take little to no operational setup on your behalf. The reason most shippers do not conduct a parcel audit is that they either don’t know about the strategic process. 

And even when a shipper understands the terminology associated with parcel audits, the procedures involved with conducting it is an entirely different story. Fortunately, you don’t have to know how to do a parcel audit to realize the benefits. All you need to do is partner with Trans Audit, and we’ll do the rest.

Why Partner with Trans Audit for Parcel Audits

When it comes to conducting parcel audits or freight audits, it’s best to trust the experienced pros at Trans Audit. We use a highly-specialized, state-of-the-art software and seasoned recovery team dedicated to identifying and then recovering monies from errors, service violations, service failures, and more. 

Most importantly, we’ll provide you with actionable business intelligence and insight you can use to create savings moving forward. A few of the top benefits of partnering with Trans Audit for parcel audits are explained below. 

Save Time with a Trans Audit Parcel Audit

Outsourcing the parcel audit to Trans Audit removes the lion’s share of the responsibility from you and your team. You will not be responsible for sorting through and tracking all shipments, disputing declinations, filing claims, tracking whether credits are processed, and other transactions. Instead, it’s our job. This way you can spend more time focusing on growing and managing your business.

Create Real Savings

Did you know the average parcel audit can generate up to 8% of your shipping costs? At Trans Audit, we use a proven, expansive parcel audit process to discover errant costs. We will establish a recurring feed of electronic and paper invoices, contracts, bills of lading, rates, and payment information to perform recurring reviews. The whole while, you can continue managing your business. 

Retain Your Accounting 

The manner in which you go about accounting for your business is important, and Trans Audit has no intention of changing it. Our proprietary auditing process has nothing to do with your accounting system.

No Out-of-Pocket Expenses to You

At Trans Audit, we are only paid when we discover errors in your shipping charges. If there are no credits issued by your providers, then you will have no charges.

Gain Powerful Business Intelligence

After the audit is complete, you’ll receive insightful reporting that will open the door to a unique way of viewing parcel distribution. Most importantly, it will empower you with strategic data to inform your next shipping contract with a carrier. 

Contact Trans Audit for Robust Parcel Audits

If you’re looking to potentially pad your bottom line, generate savings, and gain actionable business intelligence, a parcel audit could be the key you’re looking for. And the Trans Audit proprietary software and experienced professionals will make the process as easy and hassle-free as possible. 

Contact Trans Audit today to learn more about scheduling a parcel audit.

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